Email Etiquette -Vivekanand Rayapeddi +91 9246371893 E.Mail: Let us begin with a wonderful quotation given by Robin Sharma. “The first step in unleashing the talent of your team is to unleash the talent inside of you” -Robin Sharma E-mail is the gift of the modern technology. Let us use it more effectively and get maximum benefits through it. Most of us do not know how to send the formal e.mail. Sending your resume through e.mail is one such formal occasion. It is observed that even well qualified people too do not know the difference between a personal mail and formal mail. It is essential to follow the email etiquette especially when you are sending formal emails. First let us understand what etiquette is. Etiquette is pronounced as etiket. Etiquette – is defined as “the conduct or procedure required by good breeding or prescribed by authority to be observed in social or official life” Let us see this funny situation in a corpor...
Showing posts from July, 2017
How to improve Vocabulary?
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How to improve vocabulary ( Excerts from my recent lecture) Now it is your responsibility to keep updating your vocabulary on a regular basis. For this the best methods are discussed in detail in this chapter. We are going to give you very practical and easy methods. The frequent problem the people face is “We got good vocabulary, but we can’t get them at the right time during the conversation spontaneously” • This programme solves that problem very effectively. • The root cause of this problem is, of course, getting the vocabulary simply through dictionaries and through word power books. That means , getting the words without context. Don’t worry we have a simple solution for all the problems. You can get Vocabulary, Phrases, Usages and native expressions through • Books • Magazines • TV Chann...
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Public Speaking Part 1 Public speaking is an art. Addressing people and getting their attention gives you many advantages in life. It is observed that the biggest fear people have is the fear to address the group from a dais. In fact, once you get the grip over this art, speaking from a dais will become a child’s play. Majority of us have preconceived notions about public speaking. During my interactions with many CEOs, Directors, Senior Managers, Engineering College Students and other professionals I observed that majority of them have a kind of fear psychosis towards public speaking. The reason is very simple; they condition their minds against public speaking. Public speaking is a big hurdle for them. Addressing people from the platform is a nightmarish experience for them. They simply feel that it’s not their cup tea. Some people are even smarter, though they know that it is important, they prefer to feel that it is not required for me. Th...