How to improve Vocabulary?

How to improve vocabulary

( Excerts from my recent lecture)
Now it is your responsibility to keep updating your vocabulary on a regular basis. For this the best methods are discussed in detail in this chapter.
We are going to give you very practical and easy methods.
The frequent problem the people face is “We got good vocabulary, but we can’t get them at the right time during the conversation spontaneously”
      This programme solves that problem very effectively.
      The root cause of this problem is, of course, getting the vocabulary simply through dictionaries and through word power books. That means , getting the words without context.
Don’t worry we have a simple solution for all the problems.
You can get Vocabulary, Phrases, Usages and native expressions through

      TV Channels

First Identify Your
     Areas of Interest
Based on your likes select the books
     Select the TV channels according to your likes.
     Ensure that the above books and TV Channels are of English Medium.

Don’t read and watch blindly, Read and watch mainly
     The interviews.
     Where two people are Discussing
     Where exchange of thoughts is going on through conversations
     Read books where, First person singular narration style is adapted, It gives you communication skills
     Always watch advertisements in any form
o   On TV
o   Radio
o   Magazines
o   Bill Boards on the Road Side Etc
     The objective of an advertisement is to reach maximum people.
     The advertiser uses spoken Language only. All the people may not understand bookish words.
     People may not like, if the vocabulary very cheap and dull
     People should not get hurt by the language.
     For Example observe the Insurance ads. You how sensitive their task is.
     Religious sentiments of the people should not get affected.
     They have to use positive vocabulary always
     An advertiser cannot afford to use outdated language.
     It should sound modern.
     The words and the language should be simple and stylish
     It should communicate effectively the message.
     Thus an advertiser has to use the vocabulary
o   Simple
o   Effective
o   The most suitable
o   Powerful
o   Modern
o   Appealing to all
     to reach the audience. Precisely these are our requirements to be a good communicator
     Thus we can follow advertisements.
     You can get Vocabulary, Phrases, Usages and native expressions through
o   Books
o   Magazines
o   TV Channels
o   Interviews
o   Advertisements
o   Seminars Etc.
You can note down the words in a pocket note book. Keep referring the new words as and when you get free time during the day.


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