Why do people Fail Interviews? Part 1

Why do people Fail Interviews? (Part 1)

Why do people fail in interviews?
In this series we are going to discuss in detail the primary reasons for the failure of many candidates in interviews. These reasons seem to be miniscule, yet they have powerful impact on the interview result.
The other major reasons are listed below.
1.       Arriving Late to the interview:
a.       Last week we discussed in detail about ‘arriving late’ to the interview. We even discussed how we can plan our schedule.
2.       Badly Dressed:
a.       Always attend interview in formal wear.
b.       Getting badly dressed is one of the biggest reasons for the failure of many candidates.
c.       The dress gives a strong first impression about the person. Especially if dressed badly to an interview it speaks bad about yourself.
d.       You are giving a clear signal that you don’t care for this interview.
e.       You are not interested in this organization
3.       Bad Postures & Slouch
a.       Please do remember one fact, even before you speak, your body speaks.
b.       This is called body language, Correct posture shows that  you are attentive, interested, passionate, and confident, among other positive attributes
c.       Your bad posture & slouch suggest the interviewer, you aren’t groomed well, you are not interested, and you are rude & aggressive.
d.       The HR Manager may think that you have attitude issues
4.       Failing To Maintain Eye Contact
a.       Eye contact means a lot in non-verbal communication.
b.       If you have good eye contact with a person, it projects your interest in the person while talking to him.
c.       If you look down or away from a person rather than meeting his or her gaze, it signifies you lack self-confidence.
d.       The HR thinks that, you lack confidence, you are bluffing, you are not truthful or even you are showing fake experience, skills etc
5.       Lack Of Knowledge Of The Organization
a.       It shows non serious approach of the candidate
b.       It clearly indicates that the candidate is not interested in working with the organization
c.       The interviewer comes to the conclusion, that the candidate has come to the interview just for fun and that the candidate has some other plans.
d.       The HR manager may come to the conclusion that you won’t stick to this job even if you’re selected
6.       Mismatch Of Skills & Job Description
a.       Avoid attending any interview just for the sake of attending
b.       Cross check your Skillset, ensure that they are matching with the job description.
c.       Before heading the interview once again analyze your passions, major achievements and cross check whether they are matching with the job responsibilities or not.
d.       SWOT yourself. It means, you have to study yourself and Identify your strong points
e.       However smart you may be, the interviewer does not take you if your Skill Set does not match with the Job Description.
7.       No Evidence/Credentials To Prove The Claims
a.       Most of the candidates fail to carry the credentials and other documents to prove their candidature
b.       It is one of the prominent reasons for the rejection
c.       Always maintain a portfolio, with complete set of documents, credentials.
d.       Always carry a proof for whatever you mentioned in Resume
These are some of the important points, which will cause serious problem to the job pursuit of the candidate.
Next week we are going to understand few more important points.

Profile of the author:
Vivekanand Rayapeddi
Employability Trainer /Success Coach /
Author – Speaker – Trainer - Motivator
GD -Interview Skills & Soft Skills Trainer/
Public Speaking Skills/ The Pioneer in Paperless Fluency


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